

After a combined 22 years as a public school teacher and member of a school’s Child Study Team, I all too often saw the confusion that appeared on a parent’s face when they attended school meetings or spoke with school staff.
The pace of these meetings and lingo used, resulted in more questions than answers.
I recognized that oftentimes students were not offered or provided supports/ services that would increase their opportunities to learn and succeed.
You Matter~Intervention and Advocacy is designed to give parents and families the information and guidance needed to confidently (and effectively) attend your next IEP or Section 504 meeting.
Some services offered include:
-A thorough explanation of parent rights and district responsibilities.
-Advocacy/attendance/participation in school meetings.
-IEP/Section 504/Evaluation review with targeted suggestions and recommendations.
-Academic support including strategies, modifications and accommodations.
-Educational assessments.
-Parent training/Q&A.
-Classroom Observations/Program review.
-Disability specific resources and literature.
Most importantly, always remember you are doing great!!